Real Eyes Realize

Christina Roberts Enneking

Real Eyes Realize is a podcast that highlights everyday people making Ripple Effects Actualizing Love in their families, communities and our world at large. These are the real people putting forth the hard work to create a better world for generations to come: dancing the dance where life, love, and service meet. These episodes are about people telling their stories...with vulnerability, courage and empathy. They share how they first “saw” their path and work in this world, and how they continue to show up in service, no matter what circumstances and challenges they face. We are ready to get REAL with them and we hope you are ready to see beauty through the eyes of these beholders. read less
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“Embracing Plan B - Life & Love After Divorce” with Angela & Rick Miller
Apr 25 2024
“Embracing Plan B - Life & Love After Divorce” with Angela & Rick Miller
Our REAL Eyes Realize podcast episode with Angela & Rick Miller is one where they talk honestly about the difficulties of divorce and how they both navigated “life even after” to a place of love, hope, and a beautiful blended family. They do not sugar-coat how difficult divorce and break-up can be, but with helpful resources, a loving close group of friends and family, and strong faith, they moved through the grieving process and into a state of thriving.This podcast episode touches upon the bumps and beauty of finding true love after what feels like devastation. Bottom line: love and life are possible after Plan A disintegrates and Plan B can be beautiful.Angela Miller. Angela is a thriving woman and supports high school girls with direction and purpose at a college preparatory all-girls school in Omaha, NE - Marian High School.  She has lived in Omaha for most of her life and is mom to two beautiful children, Brooks and Alexa, and a new step-mom to four additional children through her marriage to Rick.  She enjoys working with youth and seeing the world through the lens of ease and enjoyment. She also enjoys walking her dog Luna, hosting family dinners with her newly blended family, and laughing as much as possible!Rick Miller. Rick is a business professional with 25+ years of financial services experience in the insurance and leadership industry. A results-oriented driven salesperson who effectively provides a high level of customer service. He is an outside-the-box thinker who relies on a combination of data and relationship management to grow sales and create successful partnerships with key clients. In the same light, he is loving father to four beautiful children and a new step-dad to two more given his union with Angela.
“Getting Real with the REAL Eyes Realize Founder” a conversation with Christina Roberts Enneking and Renee Sanguinetti
Oct 31 2023
“Getting Real with the REAL Eyes Realize Founder” a conversation with Christina Roberts Enneking and Renee Sanguinetti
In this episode, we switched things up and now you get to hear the real download from the REAL Eyes Realize host Christina Roberts Enneking.  Renee Sanguinetti, a powerhouse woman leader in her own right, interviews Christina and is prepared to go into the trials and tribulations of life, connection to a deeper calling, and coping strategies when challenges arise. It’s time for you to hear Christina in the hot seat of being real, raw, and vulnerable.Christina Roberts Enneking is an experienced coach, facilitator, and leadership consultant supporting large and small businesses and individuals throughout Silicon Valley. Christina is a catalyst for generating insights with clients interested in upping their game in leadership, relationship-building, and communication. With an engineering and business background from Santa Clara University and UC Berkeley, various leadership positions at Fortune 500 companies, a think tank company, a 7-person start-up firm, and being a solopreneur, she brings rich experience and perspectives into group or 1x1 sessions.Christina likes to work with clients to uncover key behavioral strengths that accentuate their leadership edge and work to identify and resolve limiting beliefs.  She deeply values the balance in the mind, body, and spirit – with a passion for leading service-based yoga and meditation retreats around the globe, often combined with the element of installing solar lights to families or schools off-the-beaten-path and off-grid, with the non-profit organization Lighting For Literacy.Renee Sanguinetti, MFT: Renee is a psychotherapist licensed in California and Oregon. She approaches therapy from a whole-person, transpersonal, and humanistic lens. That is, she works to help adults bring more meaning and fulfillment to their lives. She offers skill-based therapies such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) as well as experiential, process-based work such as Brainspotting Focused Mindfulness (BSP). She is also a earth-based ways practitioner representing multicultural indigenous healing practices, an avid dreamworker and dreamwork facilitator, a Reiki practitioner from the Usui Lineage and a student of Intentional Creativity.
“Kindness Counts” with Vivian Canci Foulke
Sep 27 2023
“Kindness Counts” with Vivian Canci Foulke
Vivian Canci Foulke tells her story of grief and loss, as well as hope and kindness. She bears her truth, and lets us peek into the story of her life through the eyes of someone who has dealt with hardship on multiple levels: loss of parents, loss of a best friend, loss of a marriage … and yet, through it all, she is encouraged by the kindness and positive impact of listening to people share their stories. Through this framework, “The Narrative Initiative”, a labor of love developed by Vivan and her soul friend Dr. Lorraine Dickey, they have created positive ripple effects in the healthcare industry.Vivian Canci Foulke: BSN, IBCLC, and the Executive Director of The Narrative Initiative (TNI). As a certified TNI facilitator, she works by bringing diverse healthcare professionals together to address cultural challenges in the workplace, and helping create narrative sessions and workshops to benefit healthcare professionals and patients. She expertly presents the perspective of nursing as a balance to the perspectives of TNI founder Dr. Lorraine Dickey.Vivian is also a senior nurse with nearly 30 years of experience working with high-risk infants, their parents, families, and healthcare professionals for all disciplines at The Children’s Hospital at Lehigh Valley Health Network in Pennsylvania. She is a strong advocate of the principles of Person-Centered Care/Patient-and-Family-Centered Care (PFCC) that guide her daily work with families and colleagues at the NICU.
“The Hero’s Journey through Archetypes” with Manoj Chalam
Apr 17 2023
“The Hero’s Journey through Archetypes” with Manoj Chalam
Manoj Chalam discusses the great mono-myth of the Hero’s Journey through the lens of Hindu and Buddhist archetypes, as well as his own life experiences. Some of you may recall Manoj was our very first interview guest, along with his wife Jytohi Chalam, two beloved Vedic philosophy teachers of our REAL Eyes Realize host, Christina Roberts Enneking. Jyothi’s soul has passed on as she has joined the great Atma (auspicious nature of consciousness), and Manoj discusses life after the passing of his life partner, among other topics. This podcast episode touches upon beginning anew, moving beyond the past and focusing on the here and now. We discuss archetypes, storytelling, the “friend” spiritual guide, and how we collectively elevate one another in this lifetime. Expect philosophy, humor, psychology, neuroscience, casual dialogue, and deep insights to reflect upon in your own hero’s journey, in both the conscious and unconscious realms.Dr. Manoj Chalam: “Murti Wallah”. Manoj Chalam uses humor and personal anecdotes in his lectures and workshops to illuminate Hindu mythology. An Indian-born scientist with a PhD from Cornell University, Manoj helps individuals find their archetypes in Hindu Yogic deities and teaches the 4 ways to work with an archetype as a Vedantic practice. He has also compiled a book on the symbolisms of Hindu and Buddhist deities. Manoj presents workshops on Hindu symbolisms and Tantra at yoga studios, keynotes at festivals, ashrams, and universities, worldwide.
“Ending Racism Now! with Love and Action” with Justin Michael Williams and Shelly Tygielski
Jun 12 2022
“Ending Racism Now! with Love and Action” with Justin Michael Williams and Shelly Tygielski
Justin and Shelly led the powerful online community called The Liberation Experience, a forum for people all over the world to explore what actions they could take to end racism in this world, in this lifetime.  Everything that Justin and Shelly are a part of turns into a movement of like-minded and like-hearted people and their style makes showing up in an activist way plausible and the greatest act of love we can do for one another. In the time when we see and feel such dramatic polarity in our world, these bright individuals urge all of us how to BE change agents for the greater good of all citizens, and doing so with love in  our hearts.Justin Michael Williams. From growing up with gunshot holes outside of his bedroom window, to sharing the stage with Deepak Chopra, Justin knows the power of healing to overcome. He is an author, top 20 recording artist, and transformational speaker who is using music and meditation to wake up the world. With over a decade of teaching experience, Justin has become a pioneering voice of color for the new healing movement—between his podcast, keynotes, and motivational online platforms, Justin’s teachings have now spread to more than 40 countries around the globe. Justin is dedicated to using his voice to serve. To being a beacon of hope for those who are lost, and to make sure all people, of all backgrounds, have access to the information they need to change their lives. “When people wake up to their own brilliance—it’s like magic,"says Williams. 'If my work and art can inspire people to do that, then I’ve fulfilled my mission.” His first book, Stay Woke: A Meditation Guide for the Rest of Us, was released nationwide February 11, 2020. Shelly Tygielski. Author of the book, “Sit Down to Rise Up: How Radical Self-Care Can Change the World,” launched on October 26, 2021 from New World Library. She is also the founder of Pandemic of Love, a global, grass-roots, volunteer-led mutual aid community that has directly matched nearly two million people since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, accounting for over $60 million in direct transactions. Her work has been featured in over 100 media outlets including CNN Heroes of 2020, Forbes, Upworthy, The Kelly Clarkson Show, CBS This Morning, the New York Times and Washington Post. Shelly has been hailed by individuals from President Joe Biden to Arianna Huffington, and Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn to Maria Shriver. Shelly is a trauma-informed mindfulness teacher named one of the “12 Powerful Women of the Mindfulness Movement” by Mindful Magazine in 2019. She teaches formalized self-care and resilience practices at organizations around the world, and is widely regarded as a self-care activist.
“How Empowered Women Empower Women” with Jane Finette
Mar 24 2022
“How Empowered Women Empower Women” with Jane Finette
Jane is the Founder and Executive Director of The Coaching Fellowship, a leadership development program designed for women leading efforts for positive social impact.  This organization offers individual coaching and opportunities for connection with empowered women leaders worldwide, an important building block for cultivating strong leaders who care: care for the environment, care for the greater good of the community, and care for one another deeply. In addition, Jane has recently released a new book, “Unlocked, How Empowered Women Empower Women”, which includes short stories that highlight impactful female leaders working to propel women and girls forward. In telling their stories, Jane shows how these pioneers are creating lasting change and how we can apply their trailblazing lessons to our own lives. This book was written during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, where it is said (according to the World Economic Forum), women lost 36 years of progress in 2020 in terms of gender equality in the workplace, due to the pandemic.  That is an entire generation of progress lost. There is work to do and Jane helps us understand what we can do to support prosperous growth for all.Jane Finette.  Jane Finette is obsessed with accelerating change at scale through conscious leadership. Her passion, expertise and two decades of experience are anchored at the intersection of technology and human potential. At her core, she empowers individuals and communities to solve the world's largest, most persistent and perennial problems.Jane is the Executive Director and Founder of The Coaching Fellowship, a 501c3 non-profit which nurtures and brings together some of the world’s most extraordinary emerging young women leaders in social change.Some of Jane’s past work includes senior leadership roles at global brands such as eBay, Sotheby's and Mozilla reaching hundreds of millions of users through all stages of growth. She has founded and run large international teams, expanded organizations globally, built products, ran marketing departments and grown large scale open source communities. Jane is also a successful serial entrepreneur and certified CPCC ACC executive coach, and leadership expert.Jane is the author of the book Unlocked — How Empowered Women Empower Women, a referendum on women's inequality and a toolkit for leveling the playing field for women and girls. Part inspiration, part practical guide, Unlocked was written to encourage and empower women to take action into their own hands, and to reach gender equality in our lifetime.
“What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger” with Reisa Babic
Feb 21 2022
“What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger” with Reisa Babic
Reisa Babic is a good friend, a pillar in her community, a cancer survivor, and one of the most humble and inspiring people you will meet, simply by the way she lives her life. Diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, she teaches all those who know her how to live life to the fullest, enjoy every moment, and not to take anything for granted … and she does this without truly teaching or preaching. She is super real with all the feelings that arise in raising an almost 15-year old son in Silicon Valley, as a single parent, and simply wanting one wish: to see him grow up. She is an active support for others diagnosed with cancer, particularly moms or other parents, and helps to educate others on the disease and ways to live with it, and moreso, to live fully with it. You will find her attitude inspiring, and find yourself rooting for Reisa when she says, “I may have cancer, but it will never have me!”Reisa Babic. Reisa is a single mother, working full time, living with cancer. When she is not working, she is spending time with her 14-year old son (when he isn’t playing video games) who is her “life saver,” watching him play soccer or football. Reisa is an active volunteer with the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, supporting those diagnosed with cancer and helping them understand there is hope. Work/life balance is very important to ensuring she is available for her son while still succeeding at work. Too many people live to work and not enough of us enjoy what we have while we are here.
“Ineffable Reflections” with Roberto & Rene Flores Solis
Jan 14 2022
“Ineffable Reflections” with Roberto & Rene Flores Solis
While traveling through the Sacred Valley of Peru from December 27, 2021 - January 6, 2022, with these two master teachers Roberto & Rene, and good friend Gv Freeman, we enjoyed experiences of deep cleansing on physical, psychological and spiritual levels. At the end of our trip, I had a dream. That dream was to introduce people to their teachings, and furthermore to their personification of spiritual depth with no ego and an abundance of love. I wanted to provide this special podcast episode on my birthday, and offer to anyone wishing to make a donation to a cause close to their heart, that invitation.When I asked Robert & Rene if they would be open to an interview on REAL Eyes Realize podcast, they said they work with people face to face in order to see what is important for healing. That is hard over a podcast platform, then they could feel my heart and intention was pure, and said “of course, Princesa. Happy Birthday!” I introduce to our listeners these two incredible teachers, and their teachings.If listeners are so inclined and fund a cause that lights a lantern in your heart, giving to something or someone that matters deeply to you, please donate. I have initiated a Go fund Me campaign for two causes that matter to me and you are invited to donate there, if desired.Roberto & Rene Flores Solis. Brothers. Friends. Master Spiritual teachers. Roberto and Rene are plant medicine guides and instruments for deep awakening. Roberto is a kind-hearted and well-educated guide in Quechua traditions, a channel to “the doctors” of plant medicine, and a soul who will keep you laughing, loving, and enjoying the life you have been gifted to live. Rene is assistant to his brother and has proofed text books, and studied in-depth about Incan archeology and history. He is a fluent English-speaking guide who shares wisdom, stories, and has a heart of gold to all who meet him.
“Experimentation with an Expert Generalist” with Gv Freeman
Dec 22 2021
“Experimentation with an Expert Generalist” with Gv Freeman
This podcast features Govind Dass (Gv) Freeman, a technical whiz, business consultant and expert generalist who provides founders, entrepreneurs, and executives clarity and a non-judgemental mirror for navigating the path toward lasting success and happiness. We discuss the struggle of forgetting and continually coming back to remembering we are enough in this world, and looking at the deep beliefs that when shattered, can break open the door to purpose and fulfillment. Gv gets REAL with us, discussing his path from substance abuse and trauma to a life where he now leads people through difficult challenges, doing their own DEEP work, and dancing  in consciousness experiences in a loving and supported way. Through Gv’s matter-of-fact and approachable personality, we get to journey with him from an existence of feeling broken to being bold.Govind Dass (Gv) Freeman. Gv Freeman is a Personal Growth Strategist & Psycho-Spiritual Counselor with over 25 years of experience living at the center of a marketing, product, sales, and self-care Venn diagram. Gv is the creator of Founders Thriving, a movement designed for founders, entrepreneurs, and executives to be successful and happy - here and now - by decoupling net worth and self-worth and developing a healthy relationship with themselves and their business. Gv's interests and experiences span many roles including serial entrepreneur, fractional CRO, entheogen guide, and spiritual tourist. Gv pulls from all of these disciplines to help startups launch, companies grow, and founders thrive.For Gv, who is a dedicated Yogi, accepting the gift of his name (Gv is short for Govind Dass, a gift from his teacher Ram Dass) serves as an ever-present reminder that while we can never go back and make a brand-new start, we can start now and change our ending. In his spare time, Gv hosts retreats and travels the world, enjoys as much music as possible, and loves spending time with his friends and soul family.
“Making Tough Decisions with a Compass of Kindness” with Jennifer Prugh
Nov 23 2021
“Making Tough Decisions with a Compass of Kindness” with Jennifer Prugh
This podcast features Jennifer Prugh who is a business owner, author, creative artist, and community builder.  She shares with us a compass for making business decisions that are conscious and kind, as well as prudent and profitable.  She shares her history from pushing against social constructs to finding yoga, teaching yoga, and inevitably building a business seen as a sanctuary for all who call Breathe Together Yoga their healing space.  We’ll discuss the pivots that were needed in the midst of COVID-19 uncertainty and understand guiding principles, like meditation, that keep kindness and compassion at the forefront of how we show up in this world.Jennifer Prugh. Jennifer Prugh is the co-founder and owner of Breathe Together Yoga in Los Gatos, CA. She created the JOY of Yoga School of Integrative Learning where she oversees and teaches for the 200 and 300 Hour teacher trainings. She also created JOYMAP, a 100 hour course in meditation and awareness practices. Jennifer is passionate about “life education”, making mind and body practices accessible so students are empowered to live fully and contribute to life brilliantly.  She offers eight years of experience as an Associate Professor of storytelling, storyboarding, and creativity, ten years as a professional artist, and a Master’s Degree in Art and Consciousness studies to her teaching and business leadership. Jennifer leads four international retreats a year, and this year she published River of Offerings, Twelve Journeys Along the Ganges River, a book of her stories and photographs ten years in the making, available at Insight Editions or your favorite local bookstore.